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Asst. Prof. Melike Ayca AY KAATSIZ

Faculty (Psyhiatric Nursing)

E.mail: ayca.ay@hacettepe.edu.tr

 Phone: +90 312 305 15 80 / 150


Dr. Ay Kaatsız graduated from Nursing Department of Ankara University, Faculty of Health Sciences in 2010. She received her master's degree in 2013 and PhD degree in 2019. Between dates 2010-2011 she worked as an intensive care nurse at Numune Hospital and between dates 2011-2013 she worked at the General Directorate of Health Services of the Ministry of Health with secondment. Since the date October 2013, she has been working in the Department of Psychiatric Nursing at Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing. She is a member of the Association of Psychiatric Nurses, Oncology Nursing Association and Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies of Turkey, as well as a volunteer of LÖSEV (Foundation for Children with Leukemia) and KAÇUV (Hope Foundation for Children with Cancer). She has completed theoretical training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents organized by the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies of Turkey. The supervision process of the training continues. Child and adolescent mental health, psychotherapy methods in children and adolescents, pediatric psycho-oncology, End-of-Life care, euthanasia, death concept are some of her interests.

MSc thesis: Ay MA, Attitudes of nurses on death, dying patient and euthanasia, Hacettepe University Instute of Health Sciences, Master Thesis in Psychiatric Nursing, Ankara, 2013.

PhD thesis: Effects of a psychoeducation program given to mothers with a child cancer-diagnosed child and a healthy adolescent on their self perception of parental role, ways of coping with stress and mental symptoms, Hacettepe University Instute of Health Sciences, Doctoral Thesis in Psychiatric Nursing, Ankara, 2019.

Selected Publications:

  • Ay Kaatsız MA, Öz F. Effectiveness of psychoeducation given to mothers of children with cancer. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing. 2020;11(2):129-140.
  • Ay Kaatsız MA. Pediatrik Kanserlerde Aile Merkezli Psikososyal Bakımın Önemi [The importance of family centered psychosocial care in pediatric cancers]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi [Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing]. 2020;7(1):78-85.
  • Ay Kaatsız MA, Öz F. I'm here, too: Being an adolescent sibling of a pediatric cancer patient in Turkey. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2020;51:e77-e84.
  • Ay MA, Akyar I. Psychosocial status of Turkish families of pediatric cancer patients. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2020;31(3):227-241.
  • Ay MA, Öz F. Nurses attitudes towards death, dying patients and euthanasia: A descriptive study. Nursing Ethics. 2019;26(5):1442-1457.