High reality simulation
Virtual reality applications
Virtual tour of faculty
Faculty Board
Prof. Leyla OZDEMIR, Dean (Chair)      Internal Medicine Nursing Department
Assoc. Prof. Fatma USLU SAHAN, Vice Dean   Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing Department
Prof. Leyla DINC                    Fundamental Nursing Department
Prof. Sevgisun KAPUCU                 Internal Medicine Nursing Department 
Prof. Duygu HICDURMAZ Psychiatric Nursing Department
Assoc. Prof. Fatos KORKMAZ      Fundamental Nursing Department
Assoc. Prof. Bilge KALANLAR Public Health Nursing 
Asst. Prof. Merve MERT KARADAS           Obstetric and Gynecology Nursing Department
Res. Asst. Tulay YILDIZ Research Assistant Representative
Songul SALURVAN Faculty Secretary-Reporter
Ceren YILDIZ Student Representative