Prof. Leyla DINC
Faculty (Fundamentals of Nursing - Head of Fundamentals of Nursing Department)
Tel: 0312 305 15 80
Leyla Dinç has graduated from Hacettepe University School of Nursing in 1986. She received the degree of ‘Masters of Science in Nursing' in 1993, and ‘Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing' in 1997 from Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences. She appointed as an assistant professor in 1998, associate professor in 2005, and professor in 2013. In 2010, she completed the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics Program, which is coordinated within the context of European Union by Leuven Catholic University (Belgium), Radboud University (Netherland) and Padova University (Italy). Her main interests include nursing care, nursing education, and ethics. Since 2013, she is the chair of Fundamentals of Nursing Department. Her main interests include nursing care, nursing education, and ethics. She speaks fluent English.
Selected Publications:
- Atasayar, S., Dinç, L. (2024). Psychosocial Consequences of The Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Effects On Professional Resilience And Self-Care On Nurses: An Example Of Ankara. Internatıonal Journal Of Envıronmental Health Research, Jun 2024 (Early Access). DOI 10.1080/09603123.2024.2370389
- Yildiz, AT and Dinc, L. (2023). Emotional labor among Turkish nurses: A cross-sectional study. Nursing Inquiry, 30 (3), e12544. DOI 10.1111/nin.12544
- Ozdemir, EK, Dinc, L. (2022). Game-based learning in undergraduate nursing education: A systematic review of mixed-method studies. Nurse Education in Practice, Volume 62, DOI10.1016/j.nepr.2022.103375.
- Ariburnu, O; Gul, S and Dinc, L. (2022). Nurses' Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Organ Transplantation in Turkey: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Religion & Health, 61 (3): 1936-1950. DOI 10.1007/s10943-022-01500-0
- Erkus Kucukkelepce, G., Dinc, L. (2021). Views of Nursing Students on Using Standardized Patient and In-Class Case Analysis in Ethics Education. Nurse Education Today, 105155.
- Erkus Kucukkelepce, G., Dinc, L. (2020). Effects of Using Standardized Patients in Ethics Education on Nursing Baccalaureate Students’ Moral Skills. Nursing Ethics 27 (7): 1587-1602. DOI: 10.1177/0969733020935954
- Gul, S., Dinc, L. (2020). Psychometric Evaluation of the Caring Behaviors Inventory in Turkish Nurses and Patients. Journal of Nursing Measurement, 28 (1): DOI:10.1891/JNM-D-18-00094
- Dinç, L., Gastmans, C. (2013). Trust in nurse–patient relationships: A literature review. Nursing Ethics, 20 (5) 501–516. doi:10.1177/0969733012468463