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Assoc. Prof. Zehra GOK METIN

Faculty (Internal Medicine Nursing)

E.mail: zehragok85@hotmail.comzehra.gok@hacettepe.edu.tr

Phone: +90312 305 15 80 


Gok Metin completed her primary, secondary, and high school education in Ankara. She graduated from Gazi University Çorum Health High School Department of Nursing with a secondary degree in 2008. Gok Metin worked in a special physics therapy center between July and September 2008. She continued to work as a clinical nurse in the Department of Neurology at Hacettepe Unıversity Adult Hospital between September 2008 and March 2009. I then worked as a neonatal intensive care nurse in Zekai Tahir Burak Women Health Education and Research Hospital between March 2009 and April 2011. She started post-graduate education in the Internal Medicine Nursing Department of Hacettepe University Health Sciences Institute in 2010. Gained her master’s degree in 2013 and her doctoral degree in internal medicine nursing in 2015. After graduation, she worked as a post-doctoral scholar at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing for 8 months in 2015-2016. Moreover, she graduated as an industrial engineer from Ahmet Yesevi University Industrial Engineering Department in 2014. She has a Class C Occupational Safety Specialist Certificate. Gok Metin has been working as Hacettepe University’s Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator since December 2022. In addition, she serves as a commission member in various institutions and organizations and as a referee and editorial board member in national and international indexed journals. Her interests are complementary and integrative therapies, symptom management, rheumatology nursing, heart failure, caregiving, palliative care, and occupational health and safety. Gok Metin is still working as an Assoc. Prof. in Internal Medicine Nursing Department.

Selected Publications:

  • Gok Metin, Z., Izgu, N., Gulbahar Eren, M., & Eroglu, H. (2023). Theory‐based nursing interventions in adults with coronary heart disease: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Nursing Scholarship55(2), 439-463.
  • Metin, Z. G., Eren, M. G., Ozsurekci, C., & Cankurtaran, M. (2023). Turkish validity and reliability of the self-care of hypertension inventory (sc-hi) among older adults. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 40(1), 64-77.
  • Metin, Z. G., & Yildiz, A. N. (2023). Update on occupational health nursing through 21st century requirements: A three-round Delphi study. Nurse Education Today120, 105657.
  • Izgu., Metın, Z. G., Eroglu, H., Semerci, R., & Pars, H. (2024). Impact of Spiritual Interventions in Individuals with Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 102646.
  • Eroglu, H., & Metin, Z. G. (2024). Correlation between symptom status, health perception, and spiritual well‐being in heart failure patients: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.